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Report No.

Tracing magnetic atom diffusion with annealing at the interface between CoMn alloy and MnGa layer by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Okabayashi, Jun*; Suzuki, Kazuya; Mizukami, Shigemi*

The magnetic atom diffusion at the interface between CoMn alloy and MnGa layer with annealing is studied using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) analysis. We found that the spins in bcc CoMn are coupled parallel to those in perpendicularly magnetized MnGa layer under the as-grown conditions, while the post annealing modulates the interfacial magnetic coupling to antiferromagnetic in Co. The elementspecific hysteresis curves at each absorption edge revealed the large coercive fields in Mn and Co through the exchange coupling with MnGa. After the annealing process, the changes of XMCD spectral line shapes are related to the interfacial reactions promoting the formation of Mn and Co$$_{2}$$MnGa layers, which is deduced from the analysis oftransmission electron microscopy. The interfacial diffusion of Mn atoms modulates the magnetic exchange coupling between Mn and Co sites and reverses the direction of perpendicular magnetization.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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