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Report No.

Heterogeneity effects in micro-beam XRF scanning spectroscopy of binary powdered mixtures and lake sediments

Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Umemura, Ayako*; Naito, Sayuri*; Masuki, Yuma*; Itayama, Yui*; Niwa, Masakazu   ; Shirono, Shinichi*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Kawakami, Shinichi*

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of lacustrine sediments has been used to extend the approach to a wider range of elemental records in both ages and timescales of variations in past environments and climates. However, one of severe problems with effects of the XRF intensity by grain size and mineralogical composition known as "heterogeneity effects" have been pointed out. This study investigated the heterogeneity effect of Fe intensities on X-ray beam using several binary powder mixtures and lacustrine sediment cores.



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