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Report No.

Development of nuclear data evaluation framework for innovative reactor, 6; Study of evaluation methods for thermal neutron scattering law and charged-particle emission reaction cross section

Nakayama, Shinsuke  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  

In molten salt reactors and small modular reactors (SMRs), the use of graphite and CaH$$_{2}$$ as moderators is being considered, respectively. Thermal neutron scattering law of moderator material has a large influence on the reactor core design. In addition, charged-particle emission reactions such as (n,p) and (n,a) on K-39 in molten salt and on Cu-63 in heat pipes of SMRs can produce nuclides that are problematic for waste management. Therefore, accurate data on thermal neutron scattering laws for graphite and CaH$$_{2}$$, and charged-particle emission reaction cross sections for K-39 and Cu-63 are important for the core design of these innovative reactors. Based on the above, we have been studying the evaluation method of these data. The progress to date will be presented.



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