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Report No.

Neutron spectrum change with thermal moderator temperature in a compact electron accelerator-driven neutron source and its effects on spectroscopic neutron transmission imaging

Ishikawa, Hirotaku*; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Sato, Hirotaka*; Kamiyama, Takashi*

We simultaneously measured neutron spectra and the temperature of a polyethylene moderator at the Hokkaido University Neutron Source (HUNS) driven by a compact electron accelerator to observe the effect of any temperature change on the reliability of spectroscopic transmission measurement. The ratio of the neutron effective temperature and the moderator temperature was constant in HUNS case, although both increased by 4-5 K within one hour after the start of accelerator-operation. This indicated that the neutron effective temperature was well estimated by the moderator temperature. The effect of the temperature change can be easily avoided by excluding data collection before the moderator warms up. These results suggested that the monitoring of moderator temperature is recommended in such neutron sources with a thermal neutron moderator to guarantee reliability of spectroscopic transmission measurement without sacrifices of cost, simplicity and maintainability.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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