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Microscopic structure of coexisting 0$$^+$$ states in $$^{68}$$Ni probed via two-neutron transfer

Flavigny, F.*; Elseviers, J.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Bauer, C.*; Bildstein, V.*; Blazhev, A.*; 31 of others*

The $$^{68}$$Ni isotope is known for exhibiting signs of shape coexistence at very low excitation energies. In this work, carried out at REX-Isolde, CERN, the $$^{66}$$Ni($$t$$,$$p$$) reaction in inverse kinematics was studied for the first time and used to assess directly the active neutrons orbitals responsible its shape coexistence. The main states populated were the $$0^+$$ ground state, the second $$0^+$$ state at 1604~keV, and the first excited 2$$^+$$ state at 2033 keV. The analysis of the differential transfer cross-sections and comparison with theoretical DWBA calculations permitted to quantify the contribution of neutron orbits below the $$N$$=40 gap in the structure of these states. This information is essential to better understand the phenomenon of shape coexistence in the region of medium-heavy nuclei.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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