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 年 ~ 

X-ray absorption spectroscopy study at SPring-8 on recombination catalysts for hydrogen safety


松村 大樹   

Matsumura, Daiju

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) which has element selectivity and local structure sensitivity is a unique technique for the study of functional systems including hydrogen recombination catalyst. We have developed time-resolved XAFS observation system and observed many spectra for catalysts to understand dynamic structural change under reaction process. We observed structure change of Pt metal nanoparticle as recombination catalyst during the reaction with poisoning gas of CO. XAFS spectra were taken at BL14B1 and BL28B2 of SPring-8, Japan. Time-resolved measurement was achieved by using dispersive optics. Observed spectra show the change of XAFS peak shift and intensity for Pt nanoparticles during reaction proceeds. This indicates that the creation of oxidized layer (increase of peak intensity), desorption of CO (decrease of peak shift), and water formation reaction on Pt metal nanoparticles occur at the same time in about 110 $$^circ$$C.



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