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Report No.

Tracking the behavior and characteristics of microplastics using a multi-analytical approach; A Case study in two contrasting coastal areas of Japan

Battulga, B. ; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko  ; Matsueda, Makoto   ; Koarashi, Jun   

The global survey for the presence of microplastics (MPs) in aquatic environments has attracted widespread scientific attention over the past decade. This study demonstrates a multidimensional analytical approach, including isotopic and thermogravimetric analyses to evaluate characteristics and behavior of MPs in the environment. The MP samples were collected in two contrasting coastal areas of Japan. The $$delta$$$$^{13}$$C values of field-collected polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS) MPs were ranged from -25.6 to -31.4, -23.4 to -30.9, and -27.3 to -28.6 per mil, respectively. The differences in $$delta$$$$^{13}$$C signature between MPs with the same polymer types (i.e., PE and PP) but different colors. Through thermal analysis, the single-step endothermic process was observed for environmental PE and PS-MPs. The results reveal that degradation may play a significant role in the behavior and characteristics of MP debris in the aquatic environment.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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