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Report No.

Construction of organ deformation functions of adult Japanese polygon phantoms

Sato, Kaoru   ; Furuta, Takuya   

In retrospective evaluation of exposure doses and risks, it is necessary to consider the individual differences in physiques and organ geometries in addition to exposure conditions. The presenters are now developing deformation functions of the physiques and organ shapes of the adult Japanese male polygon phantom (JPM) for purposes of the retrospective evaluation for individuals. The newly developed deformation functions are as follows: (1) dividing organs of JPM into "Units" composed of several organs based on anatomical information, (2) deforming each "Unit" by using Lattice method, (3) creating "Joint model" by combining the deformed "Units", and (4) reproducing the continuous shape changes of the organs by applying Morph method to "Joint models". The above process made it possible to deform the JPM without generating polygon intersections. The deformed JPM was applicable to the tetrahedralization and radiation transport simulation.



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