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On-line rapid purification of [$$^{13}$$N]N$$_2$$ gas for visualization of nitrogen fixation and translocation in nodulated soybean

Yin, Y.-G.*; Ishii, Satomi*; Suzui, Nobuo*; Igura, Masato*; Kurita, Keisuke  ; Miyoshi, Yuta*; Nagasawa, Naotsugu*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa*; Kawachi, Naoki*

Accurate analysis of N fixation in leguminous crops requires determination of N utilization within an intact plant$$;$$ however, most approaches require tissue disassembly. We developed a simple and rapid technique to generate high-purity and high-yield [$$^{13}$$N]N$$_2$$ gas and obtained real-time images of N fixation in an intact soybean plant. The purification efficiency was $$sim$$ 81.6% after decay correction.



- Accesses




Category:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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