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Report No.

Research on atmospheric radioactivity concentration in the specified reconstruction and revitalization base (FY2018-FY2021)

Abe, Tomohisa ; Funaki, Hironori ; Yoshimura, Kazuya  ; Shiribiki, Natsu*; Sanada, Yukihisa   

In this study, commissioned by the Cabinet Office, we conducted a survey on radioactive materials in atmospheric dust in three municipalities (Futaba Town, Okuma Town, and Tomioka Town) in Fukushima Prefecture to contribute to the assessment of internal exposure in the Specified Reconstruction and Revitalization Base (SRRB). Air dust samplers were installed in the targeted municipalities to investigate the atmospheric $$^{137}$$Cs concentrations and to evaluate internal exposure doses based on measured value. This report summarizes the results of measurements between 2018 and 2021. A database of information on internal exposure dose assessment results based on atmospheric radioactivity concentrations and actual measurements, and meteorological observation data was compiled.



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