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Report No.

"Southwestern" boundary of the $$N = 40$$ island of inversion; First study of low-lying bound excited states in $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V

Elekes, Z.*; Juh$'a$sz, M. M.*; Sohler, D.*; Sieja, K.*; Yoshida, Kazuki   ; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Achouri, N. L.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Browne, F.*; Calvet, D.*; Ch$^a$teau, F.*; Chen, S.*; Chiga, Nobuyuki*; Corsi, A.*; Cort$'e$s, M. L.*; Delbart, A.*; Gheller, J.-M.*; Giganon, A.*; Gillibert, A.*; Hilaire, C.*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; Kobayashi, Toshio*; Kubota, Yuki*; Lapoux, V.*; Liu, H. N.*; Motobayashi, Toru*; Murray, I.*; Otsu, Hideaki*; Panin, V.*; Paul, N.*; Rodriguez, W.*; Sakurai, Hiroyoshi*; Sasano, Masaki*; Steppenbeck, D.*; Stuhl, L.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Togano, Yasuhiro*; Uesaka, Tomohiro*; Wimmer, K.*; Yoneda, Kenichiro*; Aktas, O.*; Aumann, T.*; Chung, L. X.*; Dombr$'a$di, Zs.*; Flavigny, F.*; Franchoo, S.*; Ga$v{s}$pari$'c$, I.*; Gerst, R.-B.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hahn, K. I.*; Kim, D.*; Koiwai, Takuma*; Kondo, Yosuke*; Koseoglou, P.*; Lee, J.*; Lehr, C.*; Linh, B. D.*; Lokotko, T.*; MacCormick, M.*; Moschner, K.*; Nakamura, Takashi*; Park, S. Y.*; Rossi, D.*; Sahin, E.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Takeuchi, Satoshi*; T$"o$rnqvist, H.*; Vaquero, V.*; Wagner, V.*; Wang, S.*; Werner, V.*; Xu, X.*; Yamada, Hiroki*; Yan, D.*; Yang, Z.*; Yasuda, Masahiro*; Zanetti, L.*

The low-lying level structure of $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V was investigated for the first time. The neutron knockout reaction and inelastic proton scattering were applied for $$^{61}$$V while the neutron knock-out reaction provided the data for $$^{59}$$V. Four and five new transitions were determined for $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V, respectively. Based on the comparison to our shell-model calculations using the Lenzi-Nowacki-Poves-Sieja (LNPS) interaction, three of the observed $$gamma$$ rays for each isotope could be placed in the level scheme and assigned to the decay of the first 11/2$$^{-}$$ and 9/2$$^{-}$$ levels. The ($$p$$,$$p'$$) excitation cross sections for $$^{61}$$V were analyzed by the coupled-channels formalism assuming quadrupole plus hexadecapole deformations. Due to the role of the hexadecapole deformation, $$^{61}$$V could not be unambiguously placed on the island of inversion.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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