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Nested antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in electron-doped CeCo$$_{1-x}$$Ni$$_{x}$$In$$_5$$

Sakai, Hironori   ; Tokunaga, Yo  ; Kambe, Shinsaku  ; Zhu, J.-X.*; Ronning, F.*; Thompson, J. D.*; Kotegawa, Hisashi*; To, Hideki*; Suzuki, Kohei*; Oshima, Yoshiki*; Yokoyama, Makoto*

We investigate the electronic state of Ni-substituted CeCo$$_{1-x}$$Ni$$_x$$In$$_5$$ by nuclear quadrupole and magnetic resonance (NQR/NMR) techniques. The heavy fermion superconductivity below $$T_{rm c} = 2.3$$ K for $$x = 0$$ is suppressed by Ni substitutions, and $$T_{rm c}$$ reaches zero for $$x = 0.25$$. The $$^{115}$$In NQR spectra for $$x = 0.125$$ and 0.25 can be explained by simulating the electrical field gradient that is calculated for a virtual supercell with density functional theory. The spin-lattice relaxation rate $$1/T_1$$ indicates that Ni substitution weakens antiferromagnetic correlations that are not localized near the substituent but instead are uniform in space. The temperature ($$T$$) dependence of $$(T_1T)^{-1}$$ for $$x = 0.25$$ shows a maximum around $$T_{rm g} = 2$$ K and $$(T_1T)^{-1}$$ decreases toward almost zero when temperature is further reduced as if a gap might be opening in the magnetic excitation spectrum; however, the magnetic specific heat and the static magnetic susceptibility evolve smoothly through $$T_{rm g}$$ with a $$-ln T$$ dependence. The peculiar T dependence of $$(T_1T)^{-1}$$ and non-Fermi-liquid specific heat and susceptibility can be interpreted in a unified way by assuming nested antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in a quasi-two-dimensional electronic system.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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