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Report No.

Experiment of floating seismic isolation system for SMR

Mori, Takashi*; Shimada, Takahiro*; Kai, Satoru*; Otani, Akihito*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko  ; Yan, X. 

Experiment of a floating seismic isolation technology for application to small modular reactor (SMR) is conducted on a small-scale apparatus. The SMR is assumed to be located on land rather than offshore, and installed on a newly proposed floating structure in a pool. The floating structure is designed acts to mitigate the propagation of the horizontal component of seismic motion between the ground and the SMR buildings, and to reduce the excitation force on the buildings caused by the vertical wave propagation through water of vertical seismic motion. The floating structure was designed to have a gaseous space called Air Cavity at the bottom of the structure. Experiment is conducted to verify the effect of the floating structure on reduction to horizontal and vertical seismic motions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Air Cavity to reduce response during vertical earthquake motion, thus providing an isolating effect against vertical seismic motion. Furthermore, the reduction in response during vertical seismic motion varies with the air volume in the Air Cavity, indicating that the volume modulus of elasticity is an important parameter to determining the seismic reduction performance of the floating structure.



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