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Report No.

Effects of universal three-body repulsion on kaon condensation in hyperonic matter

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki  ; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Takatsuka, Tatsuyuki*

The equation of state with coexistent phase of kaon condensation and hyperons [the ($$Y + K$$) phase] in highly dense matter is constructed so as to be consistent with the recent observations of massive neutron stars. The nonlinear effective chiral Lagrangian is combined with the relativistic mean-field theory. The universal three-body repulsive force is further introduced based on the string-junction model. It is shown that the stiff equation of state with the ($$Y + K$$) phase, leading to the maximum mass of neutron stars as large as two solar mass, can be obtained for the larger value of the range parameter of the repulsive core included in the string-junction model. Some problems to be resolved such as causality are mentioned.



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