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Report No.

Accelerator mass spectrometry of $$^{90}$$Sr in environmental samples utilizing laser photo-detachment

Honda, Maki   ; Martschini, M.*; Marchhart, O.*; Steier, P.*; Golser, R.*; Sakaguchi, Aya*

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is a relatively new analytical chemistry in applied research utilizing accelerators. In Japan, AMS has been used to measure $$^{14}$$C, which is applied for dating in archaeology, and $$^{36}$$Cl, which is used to assess the environmental effects of the disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and accelerator facilities. In recent years, conventional AMS systems have been combined with new analytical chemistry techniques to separate isobars, such as laser photo-detachment, leading to improved performance and the possibility of measuring new nuclides in AMS. This presentation will mainly focus on developing a highly sensitive $$^{90}$$Sr analysis technique utilizing the laser photo-detachment method equipped in the 3MV AMS at the University of Vienna. Furthermore, the feasibility of $$^{90}$$Sr AMS at facilities in Japan will be discussed.



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