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Report No.

Development and validation of analysis code for spallation products behavior in LBE coolant system of ADS comparing with the distribution data in MEGAPIE spallation target

Miyahara, Shinya*  ; Arita, Yuji*; Nakano, Keita   ; Maekawa, Fujio  ; Sasa, Toshinobu   ; Obayashi, Hironari  ; Takei, Hayanori   

It is important to evaluate the inventories and the release and transport behavior of the spallation products (SPs) in the Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) coolant system of Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for the safety studies of the radiological hazard both in the cases of normal operation and accident. University of Fukui and JAEA have been developing the computer analysis code TRAIL (Transport of RAdionuclides In Liquid metal systems) which predicts the time dependent behavior of SPs within the LBE coolant system of ADS for the wide range of operational events. The source term of both radioactive and stable SPs in the LBE coolant is given as input and the radioactive decay chain model for the radioactive SPs is implemented in the code to evaluate the effect of precursors on the SPs mobility. This paper presents the recent advancement status of the code development and the validation results comparing with the distribution data of volatile SPs in MEGAPIE spallation target.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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