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Report No.

DFT calculation of high-angle kink boundary in 18R-LPSO alloy

Itakura, Mitsuhiro  ; Yamaguchi, Masatake   ; Egusa, Daisuke*; Abe, Eiji*

Kink boundaries formed in Mg-based long period stacking order (LPSO) alloys play a key role in strengthening of these materials. As the kink structure grows, many high-angle kink boundaries are eventually formed which has inclination angle close to 34 degrees. We show that this peculiar structure is a result of irreversible structural transformation and is energetically stable. We also calculate segregation energies of alloying elements Y and Zn to this boundary. Finally, the critical resolved shear stress for the migration of kink boundary is estimated for a pure-Mg kink and that with saturated with segregation. We show that segregated kink boundary requires very high shear stress about 700 MPa for migration.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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