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Report No.

Development of analytical techniques for isotopic composition determination of uranium particles in environmental sample for safeguards with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Tomita, Ryohei ; Tomita, Jumpei  ; Suzuki, Daisuke   ; Yasuda, Kenichiro   ; Miyamoto, Yutaka   

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) is the method to detect secondary ions produced by the sputtering of primary ions. SIMS is one of effective method to measure isotopic composition of particles containing nuclear material in environmental sample for safeguards. We are a group member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s network of analytical laboratories and have developed analytical techniques using SIMS and other mass spectrometers for nuclear safeguards. We will introduce the principle of SIMS and analytical techniques developed by our group to measure isotopic composition of uranium particles which having a particle diameter of micron order in environmental sample for safeguards.



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