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Statistical optimization of nZVI chemical synthesis approach towards P and NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ removal from aqueous solutions; Cost-effectiveness & parametric effects

水溶液からのリン及び硝酸塩除去のためのnZVI化学合成の統計的最適化; 費用対効果及びパラメトリック有効性

Maamoun, I.; Eljamal, R.*; Eljamal, O.*

Maamoun, I.; Eljamal, R.*; Eljamal, O.*

This study aims to conduct statistical optimization of nZVI synthesis parameters towards the removal efficiency of phosphorus and nitrate, considering for the first time the cost-effectiveness index. The detailed statistical analysis was implemented to evaluate the main effects and interactions of eight synthesis parameters, including reductant concentration (R$$_{rm C}$$), reductant delivery rate (R$$_{rm DR}$$), reductant liquid volume (R$$_{rm LV}$$), pH, aging time (AG$$_{rm T}$$), mixing speed (M$$_{rm S}$$), temperature (T), and precursor concentration (P$$_{rm C}$$). Results revealed that the experimental optimization of the synthesis factors improved the removal efficiency of nitrate and phosphorus by 27 and 9%, respectively, with respect to that before the optimization. ANOVA statistical results indicated the significance of phosphorus and nitrate models with p-values of all the eight main linear effects were less than 0.05. However, most of the interaction parameters were not statistically significant (higher than 0.05) in the case of nitrate model, which is unlike phosphorus model where all interaction parameters were statistically significant (less than 0.05). The normal probability plots of factors effects provided significant evidence of the significance of the investigated parameters R$$_{rm C}$$ had the highest positive statistically significant effect on phosphorus model followed by R$$_{rm LV}$$, R$$_{rm DR}$$, M$$_{rm S}$$ and T. In case of nitrate model, R$$_{rm LV}$$, had the highest positive significant effect, followed by A$$_{rm GT}$$ $$>$$ $$_{rm DR}$$ $$>$$ pH $$>$$ T $$>$$ MS. The cost-effective optimal constraints in this study resulted in the best economically optimized values of the nZVI synthesis parameters in terms of higher reactivity and reduced synthesis cost.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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