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Report No.

Effects of different parent materials of forest soils on heterotrophic respiration in the subsoil

Abe, Yukiko; Nakayama, Masataka  ; Tange, Takeshi*; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko  ; Koarashi, Jun   

Soil is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, and forest soils in particular play an important role as a C reservoir in the global C cycle. Organic matter in the soil is released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through microbial decomposition (heterotrophic respiration). Decomposition of organic matter accumulated in the subsoil may contribute significantly to heterotrophic respiration, but it is not clear. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the heterotrophic respiration rate from the surface to the lower layers of forest soils with different parent materials. This presentation will report on the relationship between soil physicochemical and organic matter properties and heterotrophic respiration.



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