Study on performance evaluation of self-actuated shutdown system for sodium-cooled fast reactor; Investigation on flow field around curie point electromagnet
ナトリウム冷却高速炉における自己作動型炉停止機構の性能評価に関する研究; 温度感知合金周辺の流動場評価
相澤 康介
; 檜山 智之
; 小林 順
; 栗原 成計 
Aizawa, Kosuke; Hiyama, Tomoyuki; Kobayashi, Jun; Kurihara, Akikazu
Self-actuated shutdown system (SASS) is a passive reactor-shutdown system that utilizes a Curie-point electromagnet (CPEM), which features the characteristic of loss in magnetism when the magnet temperature reaches the Curie point. A control rod with SASS is inserted into the core by gravity without recourse to any active shutdown system. To allow the SASS to effectively function, efficiently guiding high-temperature fluid from the fuel assembly to CPEM is important. Therefore, CPEM features a complicated shape such as having 45 fins, and a flow collector is installed upstream of CPEM to direct the flow from the fuel subassembly outlet to CPEM. In this report, the water experiment was performed on the full-scale model that simulates from the outlets of the fuel assemblies to the SASS flow collector, and flow phenomena around the temperature sensing part was analyzed from the data obtained by PIV measurement.