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Report No.

Differential pressure rise event for filters of HTTR primary helium gas circulators, 1; Investigation of differential pressure rise event

Nemoto, Takahiro; Arakawa, Ryoki ; Kawakami, Satoru; Nagasumi, Satoru; Yokoyama, Keisuke ; Watanabe, Masashi  ; Onishi, Takashi  ; Kawamoto, Taiki; Furusawa, Takayuki ; Inoi, Hiroyuki; Nojiri, Naoki ; Iigaki, Kazuhiko ; Saito, Kenji ; Hori, Naohiko 

During shut down of the HTTR (High Temperature engineering Test Reactor) RS-14 cycle, an increasing trend of filter differential pressure for the helium gas circulator was observed. In order to investigate this phenomenon, the blower of the primary helium purification system was disassembled and inspected. As a result, it is clear that the silicon oil mist entered into the primary coolant due to the deterioration of the charcoal filter performance. The replacement and further investigation of the filter are planning to prevent the reoccurrence of the same phenomenon in the future.



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