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Report No.

Uranium hydroxide/oxide deposits on uranyl reduction

Ouchi, Kazuki  ; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Tsuji, Takuya  ; Kobayashi, Toru ; Otobe, Haruyoshi  ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  

We clarified the chemical state transformation of deposits following the reduction of uranyl ion (U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$) from the results of electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, impedance spectra and X-ray absorption fine structure measurements. We propose the following deposition mechanism: (1) U$$^{rm IV}$$ is formed by the disproportionation of U$$^{rm V}$$. (2) U$$^{rm IV}$$ forms U$$^{rm IV}$$ hydroxide deposits, and (3) finally, the hydroxide deposits transform into U$$^{rm IV}$$ oxide, generally having a larger electrical resistance than the former.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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