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Characterizing the plastic-associated biofilms by a multi-isotope approach; Insight from visible plastics in two contrasting coastal areas of Japan

Battulga, B. ; Nakanishi, Takahiro   ; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko  ; Koarashi, Jun   

Plastic debris in the aquatic environment receives special attention from scientific communities, whereas the radioactivity of environmental plastic and the dynamics of plastic-associated biofilm remain largely unknown. In this study, we addressed plastic-associated biofilms and bottom sediments from two contrasting coastal areas of Japan to elucidate their characteristics and interaction with radionuclides especially radiocesium ($$^{137}$$Cs) in the environment. We also explored stable isotope ($$^{13}$$C and $$^{15}$$N) signatures of the biofilm and sediment samples based on seasonal variations. Trace of $$^{137}$$Cs was observed in biofilm with an activity concentration of 292$$pm$$19.4 Bq kg$$^{-1}$$ biofilm (dw) which correspond to 1.15$$pm$$0.08 Bq kg$$^{-1}$$ plastic (dw).



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