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Report No.

NO supersonic seeded molecular beam irradiation of anatase TiO$$_{2}$$(001) surface

Katsube, Daiki*; Ono, Shinya*; Kim, K.*; Tsuda, Yasutaka   ; Inami, Eiichi*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Abe, Masayuki*

NOx-based gases emitted from engines and plants are an important issue from an environmental perspective. For the detoxification of NO, it is important to understand its reactivity and reaction mechanisms. The reactivity of anatase TiO$$_{2}$$(001) which is a highly active photocatalyst was studied by using NO supersonic molecular beams and synchrotron radiation XPS. It was found that the N1s peak was observed, indicating that the surface without surface cleaning reacts with NO molecules.



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