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Nuclear disaster prevention based on lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident

Shimada, Kazumasa ; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Hashimoto, Makoto  ; Iimoto, Takeshi*

This article is part of the special feature article "What should be done from now on after the 1F accident and what should be conveyed to the next generation after the 1F accident?" of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, which summarizes the discussions and future proposals on nuclear disaster prevention in which the members of the Health Physics and Environment Science Subcommittee have been involved. In view of the recommendations of the Accident Investigation Committee of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan and the Meteorological Society of Japan, the behavior of radioactive plumes and the prediction of residents' evacuation behavior should be studied to support decision-making on evacuation and other protective measures for residents in and outside the UPZ. Furthermore, decision-making on protective measures and practical risk communication to residents based on radiation health risks to residents and ethical aspects are newly proposed.



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