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Femtosecond laser direct writing using SiC nanoparticle ink containing finer nanoparticles


Amarsaikhan, K.*; 川堀 龍*; 渡部 雅  ; 今井 良行  ; 植田 祥平   ; Yan, X. ; 溝尻 瑞枝*

Amarsaikhan, K.*; Kawabori, Tatsuru*; Watanabe, Masashi; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Ueta, Shohei; Yan, X.; Mizoshiri, Mizue*


Femtosecond laser sintering is a promising technique for 2D/3D micro additive manufacturing. In this process, nanoparticles dispersed in binders were coated on substrates, and femtosecond laser pulses were subsequently focused and scanned to write patterns. We also applied this process to fabricating SiC microstructures using SiC nanoparticles of $$sim$$100 nm in diameter. In this study, we prepared a SiC nanoparticle ink including finer SiC nanoparticles with the diameter of ~18 nm. First, a SiC nanoparticle ink with the mixture of 100 nm and 18 nm in diameters was prepared. Then, patterning properties by femtosecond laser sintering were evaluated at various laser irradiation conditions. By comparing to the reference ink (SiC nanoparticles of $$sim$$100 nm in diameter), the SiC nanoparticles with fine nanoparticles ($$sim$$18 nm) decreased the line width. In addition, the ablation width of in the center of the lines decreased by consisting fine particles. These results suggest that the fine nanoparticles increased the surface area in the inks, resulting that the large surface increased the consumption of the irradiated energy, and thermal conductivity of the ink decreased.



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