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Report No.

Tomographic reconstruction of triaxial strain fields from Bragg-edge neutron imaging

Hendriks, J. N.*; Gregg, A. W. T.*; Jackson, R. R.*; Wensrich, C. M.*; Wills, A.*; Tremsin, A. S.*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Luzin, V.*; Kirstein, O.*

This paper presents a proof-of-concept demonstration of triaxial strain tomography from Bragg-edge neutron imaging within a three-dimensional sample. Bragg-edge neutron transmission can provide high-resolution images of the average through thickness strain within a polycrystalline material. This poses an associated rich tomography problem which seeks to reconstruct the full triaxial strain field from these images. The presented demonstration is an important step toward solving this problem, and toward a technique capable of studying the residual strain and stress within engineering components. A Gaussian process based approach is used that ensures the reconstruction satisfies equilibrium and known boundary conditions.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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