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Report No.

A Parametric neutron Bragg edge imaging study of additively manufactured samples treated by laser shock peening

Busi, M.*; Kalentics, N.*; Morgano, M.*; Griffiths, S.*; Tremsin, A. S.*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Log$'e$, R.*; Leinenbach, C.*; Strobl, M.*

Laser powder bed fusion is an additive manufacturing technique extensively used for the production of metallic components. Despite this process has reached a status at which parts are produced with mechanical properties comparable to those from conventional production, it is still prone to introduce detrimental tensile residual stresses towards the surfaces along the building direction, implying negative consequences on fatigue life and resistance to crack formations. Laser shock peening (LSP) is a promising method adopted to compensate tensile residual stresses and to introduce beneficial compressive residual stress on the treated surfaces. Using neutron Bragg edge imaging, we perform a parametric study of LSP applied to 316L steel samples produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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