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Report No.

SIMMER application to safety assessment of core disruptive accident

Tagami, Hirotaka ; Tobita, Yoshiharu

Recently, the safety analysis for a licensing of small nuclear power fast reactor is performed. It is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the design measure to prevent the CV failure in the licensing procedure. Because the energy generation in TP of ULOF is one of the main factors to affect the integrity of CV, the ULOF behavior is analyzed using SIMMER developed under international cooperation. Although the characteristic of TP in small reactor is a slow and mild event progression due to the negative void reactivity, several conservative assumptions are applied in the analysis. Because the prompt criticality by fuel compaction is mainly driven by a fuel coolant interaction, its impact on energy generation is also investigated by conservatively assuming uncertainties. The obtained results by the analysis using SIMMER are used for the subsequent phase to analyze the mechanical integrities of reactor vessel and CV.



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