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Report No.

Investigation of optimization process for core design with integrated analysis between neutronics and plant dynamics

Hamase, Erina ; Kuwagaki, Kazuki  ; Doda, Norihiro  ; Yokoyama, Kenji   ; Tanaka, Masaaki  

To innovate a core design process, an optimization process for the core design has been developed as a part of the design optimization support tool named ARKADIA-Design. The core design optimization process is integrated by the core design analysis of neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, and fuel integrity and plant dynamics analysis with the Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm. The optimization problem for design parameters with high core performance and inherent safety in ULOF event was solved by the integrated analysis between the neutronics and plant dynamics with the BO in a primary loop system including a core consisting of two-dimensional RZ cylindrical geometry. It was indicated that the optimization process could obtain an optimal solution.



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