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Report No.

Fingerprint of vortexlike flux closure in an isotropic Nd-Fe-B bulk magnet

Bersweiler, M.*; Oba, Yojiro  ; Sinaga, E. P.*; Peral, I.*; Titov, I.*; Adams, M. P.*; Rai, V.*; Metlov, K. L.*; Michels, A.*

Magnetic nanostructure in an isotropic Nd-Fe-B bulk magnet was investigated using small-angle neutron scattering. The two-dimensional scattering patterns show the so-called spike anisotropy, which points the presence of a strong magnetodipolar interaction within the sample. The field-dependence of the scattering intensity is explained by a vortex-like flux closure structure. This suggests that magnetic vortices form pairs.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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