※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Introduce of friction model into fuel pin bundle deformation analysis code "BAMBOO"

上羽 智之 ; 伊藤 昌弘*; 石谷 行生*

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Ito, Masahiro*; Ishitani, Ikuo*


The BAMBOO code developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency is a computer code to analyze fuel pin bundle deformation in a fast reactor wire-spaced type fuel pin bundle subassembly. In this study we developed an analysis model to consider friction at the contact points between adjacent fuel pins, and at these between outermost fuel pins and a duct that are due to bundle-duct interaction. This model deals with friction forces at contact points in the contact and separation analysis of the code, and employs a convergent calculation where contact forces are gradually determined to avoid numerical instability when the friction occurs. Analyses of BAMBOO with the model showed very slight effects on the onset of contact between outer most pins and a duct, and on directions of pin displacements, within the range of practical friction coefficients.



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