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Report No.

Including spaces rational maintenance plan on decommissioning in FUGEN

Yamamoto, Takashi; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Miyashita, Shinichi

Fugen is a heavy water-moderated, boiling light water-cooled, pressure tube-type reactor with the electrical power of 165 MW. It had been operated for 25 years from March 1979 to March 2003. After ceasing its operation, decommissioning project started 2008. Currently, FUGEN is the second phase of decommissioning (Reactor Periphery Facilities Dismantling Period). Fugen in decommissioning has the risk decreased than in operation. Therefore, it have been rationalizing maintenance continuously. At the paper, report on the rationalization and improvements of the maintenance in decommissioning. After ceasing the operation, all of the spent fuels were removed from reactor to the spent fuel pool. And now, the spent fuels has low heat generation and it is not necessary to remove the heat. Therefore, we are continuing to rationalize the maintenance plan depending on the situation of decommissioning.



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