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Report No.

Present and new operational quantities evaluated from photon spectrum measurements at workplaces in the research reactor and accelerator facility at the JAEA

Tanimura, Yoshihiko   ; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi   ; Nishino, Sho   ; Tsuji, Tomoya   ; Fukami, Tomoyo; Shinozuka, Tomoki ; Oishi, Kohei; Ishii, Masato; Takamiya, Kei; Onuki, Takaya; Yamasoto, Kotaro ; Nakanoya, Takamitsu  ; Okabe, Kota  ; Kamiya, Junichiro   

The ICRU has proposed to change the definitions of the operational quantities used for the area and individual monitoring for external exposure in the ICRU Report 95. As introducing the new operational quantities into the radiation monitoring may affect the dose assessment results using the present personal dosimeters, it is necessary to characterize the energy spectrum in the workplace and the energy dependency of the dosimeters to be used. In this work the photon spectra were measured using a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector or a LaBr$$_3$$(Ce) scintillation detector at the workplaces in the Japanese Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3) and the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Then the present and new operational quantities were evaluated using the above mention spectra at the workplaces and compared each other.



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