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Report No.

Validation practices of multi-physics core performance analysis in an advanced reactor design study

Doda, Norihiro  ; Kato, Shinya  ; Hamase, Erina ; Kuwagaki, Kazuki  ; Kikuchi, Norihiro  ; Ohgama, Kazuya   ; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Yoshikawa, Ryuji  ; Yokoyama, Kenji   ; Uwaba, Tomoyuki ; Tanaka, Masaaki  

An innovative design system named ARKADIA is being developed to realize the design of advanced nuclear reactors as safe, economical, and sustainable carbon-free energy sources. This paper focuses on ARKADIA-Design for design studies as a part of ARKADIA and introduces representative verification methods for numerical analysis methods of the core design. ARKADIA-Design performs core performance analysis of sodium-cooled fast reactors using a multiphysics approach that combines neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, core mechanics, and fuel pin behavior analysis codes. To confirm the validity of these analysis codes, validation matrices are identified with reference to experimental data and reliable numerical analysis results. The analysis models in these codes and the representative practices for the validation matrices are described.



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