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Report No.

Status of the $$^{226}$$Ra nuclear data library and its impact on the production amount of $$^{225}$$Ac via the $$^{226}$$Ra (n,2n) reaction

Sasaki, Yuto ; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  ; Takaki, Naoyuki*; Maeda, Shigetaka   

$$^{225}$$Ac is a promising alpha emitter for targeted alpha therapy. However, the current capability of $$^{225}$$Ac supply is limited to approximately 63 GBq/y, primarily relying on the natural source of $$^{229}$$Th stocked at a few institutes. Therefore, alternative $$^{225}$$Ac production methods are highly desired. The research and development of $$^{225}$$Ac and its parent nuclide production methods using accelerators and reactors to target $$^{226}$$Ra and $$^{232}$$Th are actively pursued worldwide. Hence, the authors focused on the $$^{226}$$Ra(n,2n) $$^{225}$$Ra method using fast neutron spectra as an application of the experimental fast reactor Joyo. This study investigated the status of nuclear data libraries for $$^{226}$$Ra, an essential target for $$^{225}$$Ac production, and evaluated the impact of different nuclear data libraries on the amount of $$^{225}$$Ac produced. Consequently, cross-sections with covariance data were stored in TENDL-2021, JEFF-3.3, and EAF-2010 but not in ENDF or JENDL, the major nuclear data libraries. Furthermore, no consistency occurred among the respective nuclear data, and the $$^{225}$$Ra production amount varied.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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