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Report No.

Design and optimization of a proton source extraction system for the JAEA-ADS linac

Yee-Rendon, B. ; Kondo, Yasuhiro   ; Tamura, Jun; Maekawa, Fujio  ; Meigo, Shinichiro   

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is designing a 30 MW continuous wave (cw) superconducting proton linear accelerator (linac) for the Accelerator Driven System (ADS) proposal. The JAEA-ADS linacs ion source must provide a proton beam over 20 mA with an energy of 35 keV and a normalized rms emittance of less than 0.1 $$pi$$ mm mrad. As the extraction system determines the beam properties and quality, systematic optimizations on the geometry and input values of the extraction system design were conducted using the AXCEL-INP 2-D simulation program to satisfy the goal requirements. This work describes the extraction system design and reports the beam dynamics results of the first study for the proton source of the JAEA-ADS linac.



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