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Report No.

Effect of resonant core-level excitation in an atom on photoemission from the neighboring atoms

Baba, Yuji*  ; Shimoyama, Iwao   

The effect of a core-to-valence resonant photoexcitation in an atom on photoemission from the neighboring atoms has been experimentally investigated. For SiO$$_{2}$$ fine powder mixed with boron nitride matrix, it was found that the intensity of the O $$1s$$ photoelectrons was reduced around the Si $$1srightarrow 3p*$$ resonant photoexcitation. On the other hand, the intensity of the B $$1s$$ or N $$1s$$ photoelectrons from the matrix material did not change regardless of the photon energy. Similar phenomenon was also observed for Si$$_{3}$$N$$_{4}$$ powder mixed with cellulose as a matrix material. The results demonstrated that photoemission from the nearest-neighbor atoms that are directly bound to silicon is perturbated by the core-to-valence resonant photoexcitation in silicon. Using the phenomenon, it is expected that species of the nearest neighbor atom can be identified by a resonant core-level excitation in a target atom.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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