Exploring spin-polarization in Bi-based high-
岩澤 英明*; 角田 一樹
; 石田 茂之*; Le F
vre, P.*; Bertran, F.*; 吉田 良行*; 永崎 洋*; Santander-Syro, A.*; 奥田 太一*
Iwasawa, Hideaki*; Sumida, Kazuki; Ishida, Shigeyuki*; Le F
vre, P.*; Bertran, F.*; Yoshida, Yoshiyuki*; Eisaki, Hiroshi*; Santander-Syro, A.*; Okuda, Taichi*
The role of spin-orbit interaction has been recently reconsidered in high-
cuprates, stimulated by the recent experimental observations of spin-polarized electronic states. However, due to the complexity of the spin texture reported, the origin of the spin polarization in high-
cuprates remains unclear. Here, we present the spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data on the facing momentum points that are symmetric with respect to the
point, to ensure the intrinsic spin nature related to the initial state. We consistently found the very weak spin polarization only along the nodal direction, with no indication of spin-splitting of the band. Our findings thus call for a revision of the simple application of the spin-orbit interaction, which has been treated within the standard framework of the Rashba interaction in high-