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Report No.

Upgrade of the small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer SANS-J at JRR-3

Kumada, Takayuki   ; Motokawa, Ryuhei   ; Oba, Yojiro  ; Nakagawa, Hiroshi   ; Sekine, Yurina   ; Micheau, C.; Ueda, Yuki   ; Sugita, Tsuyoshi   ; Birumachi, Atsushi; Sasaki, Miki; Hiroi, Kosuke  ; Iwase, Hiroki*

The combination of the existing position-sensitive photomultiplier and the $$^{3}$$He main detector with focusing devices, and the newly installed front detectors in SANS-J at JRR-3 covers small-angle neutron scattering signals in the range of the magnitude of the scattering vector Q from 0.002 to 6 nm-1 gaplessly with three standard device layouts. The installation of the front detector and a graphical user interface system largely improved the usability of SANS-J.



- Accesses




Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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