※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Evaluation of thermodynamic model of Pd(II) complex formation with isosaccharinic acid


紀室 辰伍   ; 種市 やよい; 岩田 孟 ; 石寺 孝充 ; 北村 暁  ; 舘 幸男  ; 田中 武流*; 平野 佳奈*; 檜枝 愛美*; 宮部 俊輔*; 川本 大祐*

Kimuro, Shingo; Taneichi, Yayoi; Iwata, Hajime; Ishidera, Takamitsu; Kitamura, Akira; Tachi, Yukio; Tanaka, Takeru*; Hirano, Kana*; Hieda, Manami*; Miyabe, Shunsuke*; Kawamoto, Daisuke*

Palladium is one of the selected radionuclides in the safety assessment of the disposal of radioactive waste. Although isosaccharinic acid (ISA) forms strong complexes with many elements and enhances element solubility, the thermodynamic evaluation of the complex of Pd with ISA has not been conducted. In this study, the solubility of Pd(OH)$$_{2}$$ at pH 8.5 - 12.5 in the presence of ISA was investigated under inert gas (N$$_{2}$$) atmosphere. Furthermore, the coordination state of aqueous Pd and ISA was investigated by X-ray absorption and Fourie transform infrared spectroscopy, respectively. According to experimental results, the chemical form of the Pd-ISA complex depends on the solution pH; specifically, the number of involved OH$$^{-}$$ ions in the complex should be changed. The thermodynamic model and conditional equilibrium constants of the Pd-ISA complex were estimated by slope analyses of solubility experiments at different pH levels and ionic strengths based on the specific ion interaction theory. Hence, the impact of complexation with ISA on Pd(II) solubility under disposal conditions could be quantified using the proposed thermodynamic models in this study.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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