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Report No.

Strategic roadmap for back-end technology development

Nakazawa, Osamu ; Takiya, Hiroaki ; Murakami, Masashi  ; Donomae, Yasushi ; Meguro, Yoshihiro  

The selection of back-end technology development issues to be prioritized and their schedule of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have been put together as the "Strategic Roadmap for Back-end Technology Development." The results of questionnaires on development technologies (seeds) and technical issues (needs) within JAEA conducted in FY2022 were reflected in the selection. The issues were extracted from among those that match the seeds and needs, from the perspective of early implementation in the work front and the perspective of common issues, and nine themes were selected. We will build a cross-organizational implementation framework within JAEA and aim to implement the development results in the work front as well as social implementation.



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