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Report No.

Atomic bonding state of silicon oxide anodized in extremely diluted hydrofluoric solution

Arai, Taiki*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Motohashi, Mitsuya*

Si oxide films are currently widely used as insulating materials in electronic devices and biomaterials. The atomic bonding state of these films significantly influences the properties of each device, thus it is particularly necessary to understand and control the chemical bonding state between Si and O in the films. In this study, the Si oxide films formed by anodic oxidation on Si substrate surfaces in extremely low concentrations of HF solutions were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy mainly focusing on Si2p and F1s spectra. Although the HF concentration is in the order of ppm, the films contain percent order of F atoms, suggesting the formation of Si-F and Si-O-F bonds in the films. It was also found that the different depth profiles for F and O atoms was observed, indicating that the surface reaction processes seem to be different depending on each element.



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