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Report No.

Model development for blockage of disrupted core materials in flow path

Sogabe, Joji ; Kamiyama, Kenji  ; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Okano, Yasushi

During severe accidents by an anticipated transient without scram, it is important to evaluate multiphase multi-component flow behavior, when a part of the disrupted core material is discharged outside the disrupted core region through control rod guide tubes. In particular, the blockage behavior of the disrupted core material in a flow path is an important phenomenon that affects the amount of relocated fuels (the fuel discharged outside the disrupted core region and the fuel remaining in the disrupted core region). A fast reactor safety analysis code, SIMMER, is currently being developed for application to the post-accident material relocation (PAMR) phase. In the paper, aiming at actual reactor analyses for the PAMR phase of the SIMMER code, a model for the blockage in the flow path for possible phenomena in the PAMR phase. The model improves the applicability of the SIMMER code to the PAMR phase on the actual reactors.



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