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Report No.

Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in porous media based on two-fluid model

Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Horiguchi, Naoki   

In a severe accident in nuclear reactors, fuel debris is assumed to migrate and exist in porous media due to the solidification of molten fuel and other materials. Therefore, evaluating the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the porous media is necessary to understand the transition of severe accidents in nuclear reactors. In the severe accident of nuclear reactors, it is considered that various kinds of flow behaviors appear in the porous media, and it is essential to evaluate the two-phase flow behavior in the porous media to study the fuel debris temperature rise and remelting. Therefore, we are developing a multiphase CFD numerical simulation method based on the three-dimensional two-fluid model. This report describes the outline of the multiphase CFD numerical simulation method based on a three-dimensional two-fluid model and the analytical results.



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