※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Partial ordering mechanisms in $$f$$-electron systems


石飛 尊之

Ishitobi, Takayuki

This presentation focuses on partial ordering in frustrated systems. Partial orders typically arise as a three sublattice order in systems with frustration and Ising anisotropy. In this presentation, we present new mechanisms for stabilizing partial orders beyond Ising-type anisotropy. We show a partial quadrupole order with one-fourth disordered sites, stabilized by $$Z_3$$ anisotropy unique to electric degrees of freedom. This partial order is robust at high temperatures within a framework of the Landau theory. This mechanism is an extension of the three-sublattice partial order with $$Z_2$$ Ising anisotropy. We also discuss magnetic partial order mechanisms involving quadrupole moment interactions, where partial magnetic disorder persists even in quadrupole-ordered ground states. Finally, we examine a scenario with three partially magnetic ordered states due to quadrupole interactions, with potential applications to partially ordered state in UNi$$_4$$B.



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