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Report No.

Neutron reflectometry analysis of condensed water layer formation at a solid interface of epoxy resins under high humidity

Liu, Y.*; Miyata, Noboru*; Miyazaki, Tsukasa*; Shundo, Atsuomi*; Kawaguchi, Daisuke*; Tanaka, Keiji*; Aoki, Hiroyuki  

Water absorbed by epoxy resins from a humid atmosphere considerably influences their structure and properties. Examining the effects of absorbed water on epoxy resins at their interfaces with solid substrates is crucial because of their adhesive applications in various fields. The spatial distribution of absorbed water in epoxy resin thin films under high humidity was investigated in this study by neutron reflectometry. Water molecules were found to accumulate at the SiO$$_{2}$$/epoxy resin interface after exposure at a relative humidity of 85% for 8 h. The formation of an ca.1 nm-thick condensed water layer was observed, and the thickness of this layer varied with curing conditions of epoxy systems. Furthermore, the water accumulation at the interface was noted to be affected by high-temperature and high-humidity environments. The formation of the condensed water layer is presumed to be related to the features of the polymer layer near the interface. The construction of the interface layer of epoxy resin would be affected by the interface constraint effect on the cross-linked polymer chain during the curing reaction. This study provides essential information for understanding the factors influencing the accumulation of water at the interface in epoxy resins. In the practical application, the process of improving the construction of epoxy resin near the interface would be a reasonable solution to resist the water accumulation in the interface.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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