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Report No.

Development of performance evaluation method for nuclear emergency response robot

Yamada, Taichi ; Watanabe, Kaho; Suzuki, Soichiro  ; Kawabata, Kuniaki   

In Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) emergency response and decommissioning, high radiation or unknown environments significantly restrict human workers' activity. Thus, a remotely controlled robot is essential to operate in such an environment instead of human workers. However, remote robot operation is not easy, and it is required to understand the robot's capability, that is, what/how the robot can do on the site. Therefore, robot evaluation method development is important for remote robot operation in disaster sites. We survey the required capabilities for a remotely controlled robot from the remote operation cases in FDNPS and develop test methods to evaluate the capabilities. This paper introduces the survey of FDNPS remote operation cases and the test method development.



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