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燃料加工時に発生したスラッジ状廃棄物浸出液からのウラン回収,4; 回収ゲルの酸化物転換条件の探索

Uranium recovery from leachate of sludges generated from nuclear fuel fabrication process, 4; Evaluation of oxide conversion condition after temperature swing extraction process

甲斐 正雄; 岩本 敏広 ; 齋藤 まどか*; 高畠 容子  ; 渡部 創  ; 中村 雅弘  ; 塚原 剛彦*; 井戸田 直和*; 成瀬 惇喜*

Kai, Masao; Iwamoto, Toshihiro; Saito, Madoka*; Takahatake, Yoko; Watanabe, So; Nakamura, Masahiro; Tsukahara, Takehiko*; Itoda, Naokazu*; Naruse, Atsuki*


The sludges containing uranium are generated in nuclear fuel fabrication process and have been stored in nuclear fuel fabrication facilities. Uranium is suggested to be selectively recovered from the solution in which the sludges are immersed. In this study, the oxide conversion tests were carried out with the gel obtained by the temperature swing extraction tests with cerium. The most effective heating temperature for the oxide conversion of was determined as 1000 degree Celsius. Based on the results of tests with cerium, the oxide conversion tests with uranium gel were also carried out. The gel was heated at 1000, and products were specified according to analysis data.



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